CHA Not for Profit Status

Good day, the CHA continues down the long path of getting to the new Not for Profit template mandated by the federal government. We have until October 2014 to complete all of the steps and paperwork and with your help, we should be able to achieve this goal and retain our status as a Not for Profit sport organization. We have engaged a Sports Consultant to assist with the changes and this has been quite helpful ( For in depth information about the changes visit:


The CHA Executive including the provincial representatives will have to vote on two sets of by-laws. The first set of by-laws is mainly to change who is considered to be a member of the CHA. The first set of by-laws will make the provincial representatives CHA members rather than each player. Players in each province will become registrants of the CHA and will be represented within the CHA by their provincial representative. The second set of by-laws will be voted on sometime after May and will bring in all of the new items mandated by the federal government. We are including attachments of both sets of by-laws. Players with questions or concerns can contact Mike Wilson at


The CHA is one of a few sport organizations whose by-laws are quite outdated and that is one of the reasons the government is having every “federally-incorporated” sport organization go through this exercise. Brian and I feel it is important to let the players know of these changes. Due to lack of attendance at the AGM each year (last year no one attended) we did not want to use that forum to get this information out there. As the CHA does not have any method of reaching out to to every player, we are asking the provinces to distribute this information and requesting a response from the players regarding accepting the first set of by-laws. They can send their vote, yeah or nay to The more responses we get the better. We would appreciate your help in getting this information out as soon as possible. We are aiming to gather responses by May 9th.


I would ask that you copy me on your email to your players so I know it has been sent.
Thank you very much


CHA Bylaws NFP Step 1Final

CHA Bylaws NFP Step 2 Final